This document describes how to download, compile, test and install uschedule.

System requirements:

The uschedule package is meant to run under UNIX and -lookalikes.

You’ll need the daemontools package by Daniel J. Bernstein to run uschedule, see the daemontools home page for a description and installation instructions.

Downloading uschedule:

The latest published uschedule package is:


Move the downloaded file to /package.

Unpack the package:

  # the next command is optional: If you do not use /package,
  # you may unpack uschedule anywhere.
  $ cd /package
  $ gunzip uschedule-0.7.1.tar.gz
  $ tar -xpf uschedule-0.7.1.tar
  $ rm uschedule-0.7.1.tar
  $ cd admin/uschedule-0.7.1

Compile and install the programs, using /package:

  $ package/install

The self check is run as part of this and may take some time. Things are fine if the test does not print anything, but any output is a sign of a problem.

Compile and install the programs under /usr/local:

  $ make DEST=/usr/local oldinstall

The self check is run as part of this and may take some time. Things are fine if the test does not print anything, but any output is a sign of a problem.

How to report success: (not mandatory)

  $ cat src/auto-systype
  $ mail <src/auto-systype

Please do not send a success email unless the checks were successful.

How to use uschedule:

The uschedule_intro(7) manual describes how to use uschedule.


The homepage may be more up-to-date, see the uschedule home page.