uscheduleconf may have created a security problem in versions below 0.7.0, when it was called with a minus sign instead of the log user name. In this case multilog runs as root, though the user may replace multilog by any other program. ****************************************************************************** **** Impact: a local user may have got root rights. **** ****************************************************************************** uscheduleconf has been fixed and simplified in version 0.7.0, but there is no way to automatically upgrade already created configuration. To fix the configurations: See through /service/*uschedule*/log/run and also all other places where uscheduled is called and and add setuidgid "username" \ after the line containing the softlimit call and before the line containing run, but only if there is not already a call to setuidgid. Afterwards the file should look like this: #! /bin/sh exec 2>&1 cd '...SOMEWHERE...' || exit 1 exec \ softlimit -m 8000000 -o 400 -p 40 \ setuidgid USERNAME \ ./run The .uschedule/log/run files look similar, but must not contain a setuidgid call.