Uwe Ohse

available software

The lrzsz package

Upgrading from older versions

Version 1.9.0 has been completely rewritten. It's now more cleanly written, not as portable as before (support for non-POSIX systems is non-existant at this time), though that may change again, has less problems and bugs and is not a drop-in replacement for the older version.

Important differences:

One protocol per binary only
Older versions contains all three protocols in one binary. This has proven to be a major source of confusion, especially since lrz/lsz tried to switch to ymodem protocol if the zmodem handshake failed (but then again, ymodem failed in almost every case, too).
Add to that the fact the some people didn't like the file names of the xmodem programs and renamed lsx/lrx to xmodem-receive (or so) and then wondered why that program _now_ uses zmodem instead of xmodem ...
No more syslog logging
I implemented it that way because my main application at that time didn't allow any other form of logging. This was obviously stupid and encouraged other applications to be equally broken.
No more remote command execution
That security hole has been closed. The code was disable by default in older versions anyway, but could be enable by command line switches.
The code is gone now. If you really want that feature then use the old version.
The recordzmodem program
has been added. It's a zmodem protocol analyzer.
There is (almost) no unused code anymore.
The testsuite now covers more than 90% of the code.
The localization through GNU gettext is gone.
I removed it some time ago, when gettext had been dead for more than two years. It was too much of an annoyance anyway for me, since getttext without need warned about some perfectly good strings and gettext had a few security implications. It wasn't worth the pain anyway: There only was a german translation.
It's much more easy now to create a x/y/z-modem library, though there is still much work to be done (main problem here: zmodem contains a vast amount of state).