How to install dcache

This document describes how to download, compile, test and install dcache.

System requirements:

The dcache package is meant to run under UNIX and -lookalikes.

Create a /package directory:

  $ mkdir /package
  $ chmod 1755 /package
  $ cd /package

You may use another directory. No program in the dcache package cares where it is installed. /package is recommended.

The latest published dcache package is:


Unpack the package:

  $ gunzip dcache-0.6.2.tar.gz
  $ tar -xpf dcache-0.6.2.tar
  $ rm dcache-0.6.2.tar
  $ cd data/dcache-0.6.2

Compile and install the programs:

  $ package/install

Where commands and documentation are installed:

By default the binaries are installed in /package/dcache-0.6.1/commmand. (replace /package/ by the directory where you you unpacked the dcache distribution in). Symbolic links to the commands are created in /command/ and, for compatibility reasons, in /usr/local/bin.
Manual pages are installed in /package/dcache-0.6.1/doc. Symbolic links to the manual pages are created under /usr/local/man.

If you don’t like this then:

  $ package/compile && package/check
  $ cp command/* /whereever/you/want/bin
  $ cp doc/* /whereever/you/want/doc

Self check:

compile/install (or compile/check) try to run some automated tests. If these tests fail the software will not be installed.

The tests take some time. Things are fine if they do not print anything.

How to report success: (not mandatory)

  $ cat compile/auto-systype* | mail

Please do not send this email if the self-check failed. Send a problem report to the mailing list instead.

Cleaning up:

If you are short on disk space you may remove the compile and src directories:

  $ rm -rf compile src

Mailing list:

To subscribe to the dcache mailing list send a mail to The content is ignored.

You do not need to subscribe to the mailing list, it is an open one. But, if you are not subscribed, make sure to mention this in the mail.

Please include the dcache version number, the operating system and it’s version and any possible relevant output of the failing program. Please include compile/systype in your posting.

If your system is a GNU/Linux one then please include name and version of your distribution and your C library version number (as printed by ldd --version).


The homepage may be more up-to-date, see

the dcache home page.