Uwe Ohse


gcc attribute overview

function attributes -- type attributes -- variable attributes

This list was automatically generated from the GCC documentation. It lists documented GCCs function, type and variable attributes (__attribute__) together with the GCC versions the attribute was found in.
Versions used:

'c extensions' 'function attributes'

alias -- always_inline -- cdecl -- const -- constructor -- deprecated -- destructor -- dllexport -- dllimport -- eightbit_data -- exception -- far -- fastcall -- format -- format_arg -- function_vector -- interrupt -- interrupt_handler -- long_call/short_call -- longcall -- longcall/shortcall -- malloc -- model -- naked -- near -- no_check_memory_usage -- no_instrument_function -- noinline -- nonnull -- noreturn -- nothrow -- pure -- regparm -- saveall -- section -- signal -- sp_switch -- stdcall -- tiny_data -- trap_exit -- unused -- used -- visibility -- warn_unused_result -- weak
alias ("TARGET")
Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     The `alias' attribute causes the declaration to be emitted as an
     alias for another symbol, which must be specified.  For instance,

          void __f () { /* Do something. */; }
          void f () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__f")));

     declares `f' to be a weak alias for `__f'.  In C++, the mangled
     name for the target must be used.

     Not all target machines support this attribute.

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     Generally, functions are not inlined unless optimization is
     specified.  For functions declared inline, this attribute inlines
     the function even if no optimization level was specified.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     On the Intel 386, the `cdecl' attribute causes the compiler to
     assume that the calling function will pop off the stack space used
     to pass arguments.  This is useful to override the effects of the
     `-mrtd' switch.

Found in versions: 2.5-3.4
Introduced in version 2.5. (according to documentation)
     Many functions do not examine any values except their arguments,
     and have no effects except the return value.  Basically this is
     just slightly more strict class than the `pure' attribute above,
     since function is not allowed to read global memory.

     Note that a function that has pointer arguments and examines the
     data pointed to must _not_ be declared `const'.  Likewise, a
     function that calls a non-`const' function usually must not be
     `const'.  It does not make sense for a `const' function to return

     The attribute `const' is not implemented in GCC versions earlier
     than 2.5.  An alternative way to declare that a function has no
     side effects, which works in the current version and in some older
     versions, is as follows:

          typedef int intfn ();
          extern const intfn square;

     This approach does not work in GNU C++ from 2.6.0 on, since the
     language specifies that the `const' must be attached to the return

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     The `deprecated' attribute results in a warning if the function is
     used anywhere in the source file.  This is useful when identifying
     functions that are expected to be removed in a future version of a
     program.  The warning also includes the location of the declaration
     of the deprecated function, to enable users to easily find further
     information about why the function is deprecated, or what they
     should do instead.  Note that the warnings only occurs for uses:

          int old_fn () __attribute__ ((deprecated));
          int old_fn ();
          int (*fn_ptr)() = old_fn;

     results in a warning on line 3 but not line 2.

     The `deprecated' attribute can also be used for variables and
     types (*note Variable Attributes::, *note Type Attributes::.)

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     The `constructor' attribute causes the function to be called
     automatically before execution enters `main ()'.  Similarly, the
     `destructor' attribute causes the function to be called
     automatically after `main ()' has completed or `exit ()' has been
     called.  Functions with these attributes are useful for
     initializing data that will be used implicitly during the
     execution of the program.

     These attributes are not currently implemented for Objective-C.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     On Microsoft Windows targets the `dllexport' attribute causes the
     compiler to provide a global pointer to a pointer in a dll, so
     that it can be referenced with the `dllimport' attribute. The
     pointer name is formed by combining `_imp__' and the function or
     variable name.

     Currently, the `dllexport'attribute is ignored for inlined
     functions, but export can be forced by using the
     `-fkeep-inline-functions' flag. The attribute is also ignored for
     undefined symbols.

     When applied to C++ classes. the attribute marks defined
     non-inlined member functions and static data members as exports.
     Static consts initialized in-class are not marked unless they are
     also defined out-of-class.

     On cygwin, mingw and arm-pe targets, `__declspec(dllexport)' is
     recognized as a synonym for `__attribute__ ((dllexport))' for
     compatibility with other Microsoft Windows compilers.

     Alternative methods for including the symbol in the dll's export
     table are to use a .def file with an `EXPORTS' section or, with
     GNU ld, using the `--export-all' linker flag.

   You can specify multiple attributes in a declaration by separating
Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     On Microsoft Windows targets, the `dllimport' attribute causes the
     compiler to reference a function or variable via a global pointer
     to a pointer that is set up by the Microsoft Windows dll library.
     The pointer name is formed by combining `_imp__' and the function
     or variable name. The attribute implies `extern' storage.

     Currently, the attribute is ignored for inlined functions. If the
     attribute is applied to a symbol _definition_, an error is
     reported.  If a symbol previously declared `dllimport' is later
     defined, the attribute is ignored in subsequent references, and a
     warning is emitted.  The attribute is also overridden by a
     subsequent declaration as `dllexport'.

     When applied to C++ classes, the attribute marks non-inlined
     member functions and static data members as imports.  However, the
     attribute is ignored for virtual methods to allow creation of
     vtables using thunks.

     On cygwin, mingw and arm-pe targets, `__declspec(dllimport)' is
     recognized as a synonym for `__attribute__ ((dllimport))' for
     compatibility with other Microsoft Windows compilers.

     The use of the `dllimport' attribute on functions is not necessary,
     but provides a small performance benefit by eliminating a thunk in
     the dll. The use of the `dllimport' attribute on imported
     variables was required on older versions of GNU ld, but can now be
     avoided by passing the `--enable-auto-import' switch to ld. As
     with functions, using the attribute for a variable eliminates a
     thunk in the dll.

     One drawback to using this attribute is that a pointer to a
     function or variable marked as dllimport cannot be used as a
     constant address. The attribute can be disabled for functions by
     setting the `-mnop-fun-dllimport' flag.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the H8/300, H8/300H, and H8S to indicate
     that the specified variable should be placed into the eight bit
     data section.  The compiler will generate more efficient code for
     certain operations on data in the eight bit data area.  Note the
     eight bit data area is limited to 256 bytes of data.

     You must use GAS and GLD from GNU binutils version 2.7 or later for
     this attribute to work correctly.

exception (EXCEPT-FUNC [, EXCEPT-ARG])
Found in versions: 2.8-3.2
     On the PowerPC running Windows NT, the `exception' attribute causes
     the compiler to modify the structured exception table entry it
     emits for the declared function.  The string or identifier
     EXCEPT-FUNC is placed in the third entry of the structured
     exception table.  It represents a function, which is called by the
     exception handling mechanism if an exception occurs.  If it was
     specified, the string or identifier EXCEPT-ARG is placed in the
     fourth entry of the structured exception table.

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     On 68HC11 and 68HC12 the `far' attribute causes the compiler to
     use a calling convention that takes care of switching memory banks
     when entering and leaving a function.  This calling convention is
     also the default when using the `-mlong-calls' option.

     On 68HC12 the compiler will use the `call' and `rtc' instructions
     to call and return from a function.

     On 68HC11 the compiler will generate a sequence of instructions to
     invoke a board-specific routine to switch the memory bank and call
     the real function. The board-specific routine simulates a `call'.
     At the end of a function, it will jump to a board-specific routine
     instead of using `rts'. The board-specific return routine simulates
     the `rtc'.

Found in versions: 3.4
     On the Intel 386, the `fastcall' attribute causes the compiler to
     pass the first two arguments in the registers ECX and EDX.
     Subsequent arguments are passed on the stack. The called function
     will pop the arguments off the stack. If the number of arguments
     is variable all arguments are pushed on the stack.

Found in versions: 2.3-3.4
     The `format' attribute specifies that a function takes `printf',
     `scanf', `strftime' or `strfmon' style arguments which should be
     type-checked against a format string.  For example, the

          extern int
          my_printf (void *my_object, const char *my_format, ...)
                __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));

     causes the compiler to check the arguments in calls to `my_printf'
     for consistency with the `printf' style format string argument

     The parameter ARCHETYPE determines how the format string is
     interpreted, and should be `printf', `scanf', `strftime' or
     `strfmon'.  (You can also use `__printf__', `__scanf__',
     `__strftime__' or `__strfmon__'.)  The parameter STRING-INDEX
     specifies which argument is the format string argument (starting
     from 1), while FIRST-TO-CHECK is the number of the first argument
     to check against the format string.  For functions where the
     arguments are not available to be checked (such as `vprintf'),
     specify the third parameter as zero.  In this case the compiler
     only checks the format string for consistency.  For `strftime'
     formats, the third parameter is required to be zero.  Since
     non-static C++ methods have an implicit `this' argument, the
     arguments of such methods should be counted from two, not one, when
     giving values for STRING-INDEX and FIRST-TO-CHECK.

     In the example above, the format string (`my_format') is the second
     argument of the function `my_print', and the arguments to check
     start with the third argument, so the correct parameters for the
     format attribute are 2 and 3.

     The `format' attribute allows you to identify your own functions
     which take format strings as arguments, so that GCC can check the
     calls to these functions for errors.  The compiler always (unless
     `-ffreestanding' is used) checks formats for the standard library
     functions `printf', `fprintf', `sprintf', `scanf', `fscanf',
     `sscanf', `strftime', `vprintf', `vfprintf' and `vsprintf'
     whenever such warnings are requested (using `-Wformat'), so there
     is no need to modify the header file `stdio.h'.  In C99 mode, the
     functions `snprintf', `vsnprintf', `vscanf', `vfscanf' and
     `vsscanf' are also checked.  Except in strictly conforming C
     standard modes, the X/Open function `strfmon' is also checked as
     are `printf_unlocked' and `fprintf_unlocked'.  *Note Options
     Controlling C Dialect: C Dialect Options.

format_arg (STRING-INDEX)
Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     The `format_arg' attribute specifies that a function takes a format
     string for a `printf', `scanf', `strftime' or `strfmon' style
     function and modifies it (for example, to translate it into
     another language), so the result can be passed to a `printf',
     `scanf', `strftime' or `strfmon' style function (with the
     remaining arguments to the format function the same as they would
     have been for the unmodified string).  For example, the

          extern char *
          my_dgettext (char *my_domain, const char *my_format)
                __attribute__ ((format_arg (2)));

     causes the compiler to check the arguments in calls to a `printf',
     `scanf', `strftime' or `strfmon' type function, whose format
     string argument is a call to the `my_dgettext' function, for
     consistency with the format string argument `my_format'.  If the
     `format_arg' attribute had not been specified, all the compiler
     could tell in such calls to format functions would be that the
     format string argument is not constant; this would generate a
     warning when `-Wformat-nonliteral' is used, but the calls could
     not be checked without the attribute.

     The parameter STRING-INDEX specifies which argument is the format
     string argument (starting from one).  Since non-static C++ methods
     have an implicit `this' argument, the arguments of such methods
     should be counted from two.

     The `format-arg' attribute allows you to identify your own
     functions which modify format strings, so that GCC can check the
     calls to `printf', `scanf', `strftime' or `strfmon' type function
     whose operands are a call to one of your own function.  The
     compiler always treats `gettext', `dgettext', and `dcgettext' in
     this manner except when strict ISO C support is requested by
     `-ansi' or an appropriate `-std' option, or `-ffreestanding' is
     used.  *Note Options Controlling C Dialect: C Dialect Options.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the H8/300, H8/300H, and H8S to indicate
     that the specified function should be called through the function
     vector.  Calling a function through the function vector will
     reduce code size, however; the function vector has a limited size
     (maximum 128 entries on the H8/300 and 64 entries on the H8/300H
     and H8S) and shares space with the interrupt vector.

     You must use GAS and GLD from GNU binutils version 2.7 or later for
     this attribute to work correctly.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the ARM, AVR, C4x, M32R/D and Xstormy16
     ports to indicate that the specified function is an interrupt
     handler.  The compiler will generate function entry and exit
     sequences suitable for use in an interrupt handler when this
     attribute is present.

     Note, interrupt handlers for the m68k, H8/300, H8/300H, H8S, and
     SH processors can be specified via the `interrupt_handler'

     Note, on the AVR, interrupts will be enabled inside the function.

     Note, for the ARM, you can specify the kind of interrupt to be
     handled by adding an optional parameter to the interrupt attribute
     like this:

          void f () __attribute__ ((interrupt ("IRQ")));

     Permissible values for this parameter are: IRQ, FIQ, SWI, ABORT
     and UNDEF.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the m68k, H8/300, H8/300H, H8S, and SH to
     indicate that the specified function is an interrupt handler.  The
     compiler will generate function entry and exit sequences suitable
     for use in an interrupt handler when this attribute is present.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     This attribute specifies how a particular function is called on
     ARM.  Both attributes override the `-mlong-calls' (*note ARM
     Options::) command line switch and `#pragma long_calls' settings.
     The `long_call' attribute causes the compiler to always call the
     function by first loading its address into a register and then
     using the contents of that register.   The `short_call' attribute
     always places the offset to the function from the call site into
     the `BL' instruction directly.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.2
     On the RS/6000 and PowerPC, the `longcall' attribute causes the
     compiler to always call the function via a pointer, so that
     functions which reside further than 64 megabytes (67,108,864
     bytes) from the current location can be called.

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     On the RS/6000 and PowerPC, the `longcall' attribute causes the
     compiler to always call this function via a pointer, just as it
     would if the `-mlongcall' option had been specified.  The
     `shortcall' attribute causes the compiler not to do this.  These
     attributes override both the `-mlongcall' switch and the `#pragma
     longcall' setting.

     *Note RS/6000 and PowerPC Options::, for more information on
     whether long calls are necessary.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     The `malloc' attribute is used to tell the compiler that a function
     may be treated as if any non-`NULL' pointer it returns cannot
     alias any other pointer valid when the function returns.  This
     will often improve optimization.  Standard functions with this
     property include `malloc' and `calloc'.  `realloc'-like functions
     have this property as long as the old pointer is never referred to
     (including comparing it to the new pointer) after the function
     returns a non-`NULL' value.

model (MODEL-NAME)
Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     On the M32R/D, use this attribute to set the addressability of an
     object, and of the code generated for a function.  The identifier
     MODEL-NAME is one of `small', `medium', or `large', representing
     each of the code models.

     Small model objects live in the lower 16MB of memory (so that their
     addresses can be loaded with the `ld24' instruction), and are
     callable with the `bl' instruction.

     Medium model objects may live anywhere in the 32-bit address space
     (the compiler will generate `seth/add3' instructions to load their
     addresses), and are callable with the `bl' instruction.

     Large model objects may live anywhere in the 32-bit address space
     (the compiler will generate `seth/add3' instructions to load their
     addresses), and may not be reachable with the `bl' instruction
     (the compiler will generate the much slower `seth/add3/jl'
     instruction sequence).

     On IA-64, use this attribute to set the addressability of an
     object.  At present, the only supported identifier for MODEL-NAME
     is `small', indicating addressability via "small" (22-bit)
     addresses (so that their addresses can be loaded with the `addl'
     instruction).  Caveat: such addressing is by definition not
     position independent and hence this attribute must not be used for
     objects defined by shared libraries.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     Use this attribute on the ARM, AVR, C4x and IP2K ports to indicate
     that the specified function does not need prologue/epilogue
     sequences generated by the compiler.  It is up to the programmer
     to provide these sequences.

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     On 68HC11 and 68HC12 the `near' attribute causes the compiler to
     use the normal calling convention based on `jsr' and `rts'.  This
     attribute can be used to cancel the effect of the `-mlong-calls'

Found in versions: 2.95 3.0
     The `no_check_memory_usage' attribute causes GCC to omit checks of
     memory references when it generates code for that function.
     Normally if you specify `-fcheck-memory-usage' (see *note Code Gen
     Options::), GCC generates calls to support routines before most
     memory accesses to permit support code to record usage and detect
     uses of uninitialized or unallocated storage.  Since GCC cannot
     handle `asm' statements properly they are not allowed in such
     functions.  If you declare a function with this attribute, GCC
     will not generate memory checking code for that function,
     permitting the use of `asm' statements without having to compile
     that function with different options.  This also allows you to
     write support routines of your own if you wish, without getting
     infinite recursion if they get compiled with

Found in versions: 2.95-3.4
     If `-finstrument-functions' is given, profiling function calls will
     be generated at entry and exit of most user-compiled functions.
     Functions with this attribute will not be so instrumented.

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     This function attribute prevents a function from being considered
     for inlining.

nonnull (ARG-INDEX, ...)
Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `nonnull' attribute specifies that some function parameters
     should be non-null pointers.  For instance, the declaration:

          extern void *
          my_memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)
          	__attribute__((nonnull (1, 2)));

     causes the compiler to check that, in calls to `my_memcpy',
     arguments DEST and SRC are non-null.  If the compiler determines
     that a null pointer is passed in an argument slot marked as
     non-null, and the `-Wnonnull' option is enabled, a warning is
     issued.  The compiler may also choose to make optimizations based
     on the knowledge that certain function arguments will not be null.

     If no argument index list is given to the `nonnull' attribute, all
     pointer arguments are marked as non-null.  To illustrate, the
     following declaration is equivalent to the previous example:

          extern void *
          my_memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)

Found in versions: 2.5-3.4
Introduced in version 2.5. (according to documentation)
     A few standard library functions, such as `abort' and `exit',
     cannot return.  GCC knows this automatically.  Some programs define
     their own functions that never return.  You can declare them
     `noreturn' to tell the compiler this fact.  For example,

          void fatal () __attribute__ ((noreturn));
          fatal (/* ... */)
            /* ... */ /* Print error message. */ /* ... */
            exit (1);

     The `noreturn' keyword tells the compiler to assume that `fatal'
     cannot return.  It can then optimize without regard to what would
     happen if `fatal' ever did return.  This makes slightly better
     code.  More importantly, it helps avoid spurious warnings of
     uninitialized variables.

     The `noreturn' keyword does not affect the exceptional path when
     that applies: a `noreturn'-marked function may still return to the
     caller by throwing an exception.

     Do not assume that registers saved by the calling function are
     restored before calling the `noreturn' function.

     It does not make sense for a `noreturn' function to have a return
     type other than `void'.

     The attribute `noreturn' is not implemented in GCC versions
     earlier than 2.5.  An alternative way to declare that a function
     does not return, which works in the current version and in some
     older versions, is as follows:

          typedef void voidfn ();
          volatile voidfn fatal;

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
Introduced in version 3.2. (according to documentation)
     The `nothrow' attribute is used to inform the compiler that a
     function cannot throw an exception.  For example, most functions in
     the standard C library can be guaranteed not to throw an exception
     with the notable exceptions of `qsort' and `bsearch' that take
     function pointer arguments.  The `nothrow' attribute is not
     implemented in GCC versions earlier than 3.2.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
Introduced in version 2.96. (according to documentation)
     Many functions have no effects except the return value and their
     return value depends only on the parameters and/or global
     variables.  Such a function can be subject to common subexpression
     elimination and loop optimization just as an arithmetic operator
     would be.  These functions should be declared with the attribute
     `pure'.  For example,

          int square (int) __attribute__ ((pure));

     says that the hypothetical function `square' is safe to call fewer
     times than the program says.

     Some of common examples of pure functions are `strlen' or `memcmp'.
     Interesting non-pure functions are functions with infinite loops
     or those depending on volatile memory or other system resource,
     that may change between two consecutive calls (such as `feof' in a
     multithreading environment).

     The attribute `pure' is not implemented in GCC versions earlier
     than 2.96.

regparm (NUMBER)
Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     On the Intel 386, the `regparm' attribute causes the compiler to
     pass up to NUMBER integer arguments in registers EAX, EDX, and ECX
     instead of on the stack.  Functions that take a variable number of
     arguments will continue to be passed all of their arguments on the

     Beware that on some ELF systems this attribute is unsuitable for
     global functions in shared libraries with lazy binding (which is
     the default).  Lazy binding will send the first call via resolving
     code in the loader, which might assume EAX, EDX and ECX can be
     clobbered, as per the standard calling conventions.  Solaris 8 is
     affected by this.  GNU systems with GLIBC 2.1 or higher, and
     FreeBSD, are believed to be safe since the loaders there save all
     registers.  (Lazy binding can be disabled with the linker or the
     loader if desired, to avoid the problem.)

Found in versions: 3.4
     Use this attribute on the H8/300, H8/300H, and H8S to indicate that
     all registers except the stack pointer should be saved in the
     prologue regardless of whether they are used or not.

section ("SECTION-NAME")
Found in versions: 2.6-3.4
     Normally, the compiler places the code it generates in the `text'
     section.  Sometimes, however, you need additional sections, or you
     need certain particular functions to appear in special sections.
     The `section' attribute specifies that a function lives in a
     particular section.  For example, the declaration:

          extern void foobar (void) __attribute__ ((section ("bar")));

     puts the function `foobar' in the `bar' section.

     Some file formats do not support arbitrary sections so the
     `section' attribute is not available on all platforms.  If you
     need to map the entire contents of a module to a particular
     section, consider using the facilities of the linker instead.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     Use this attribute on the AVR to indicate that the specified
     function is a signal handler.  The compiler will generate function
     entry and exit sequences suitable for use in a signal handler when
     this attribute is present.  Interrupts will be disabled inside the

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     Use this attribute on the SH to indicate an `interrupt_handler'
     function should switch to an alternate stack.  It expects a string
     argument that names a global variable holding the address of the
     alternate stack.

          void *alt_stack;
          void f () __attribute__ ((interrupt_handler,
                                    sp_switch ("alt_stack")));

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     On the Intel 386, the `stdcall' attribute causes the compiler to
     assume that the called function will pop off the stack space used
     to pass arguments, unless it takes a variable number of arguments.

Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the H8/300H and H8S to indicate that the
     specified variable should be placed into the tiny data section.
     The compiler will generate more efficient code for loads and stores
     on data in the tiny data section.  Note the tiny data area is
     limited to slightly under 32kbytes of data.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     Use this attribute on the SH for an `interrupt_handler' to return
     using `trapa' instead of `rte'.  This attribute expects an integer
     argument specifying the trap number to be used.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     This attribute, attached to a function, means that the function is
     meant to be possibly unused.  GCC will not produce a warning for
     this function.

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     This attribute, attached to a function, means that code must be
     emitted for the function even if it appears that the function is
     not referenced.  This is useful, for example, when the function is
     referenced only in inline assembly.

visibility ("VISIBILITY_TYPE")
Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `visibility' attribute on ELF targets causes the declaration
     to be emitted with default, hidden, protected or internal

          void __attribute__ ((visibility ("protected")))
          f () { /* Do something. */; }
          int i __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));

     See the ELF gABI for complete details, but the short story is:

          Default visibility is the normal case for ELF.  This value is
          available for the visibility attribute to override other
          options that may change the assumed visibility of symbols.

          Hidden visibility indicates that the symbol will not be
          placed into the dynamic symbol table, so no other "module"
          (executable or shared library) can reference it directly.

          Protected visibility indicates that the symbol will be placed
          in the dynamic symbol table, but that references within the
          defining module will bind to the local symbol.  That is, the
          symbol cannot be overridden by another module.

          Internal visibility is like hidden visibility, but with
          additional processor specific semantics.  Unless otherwise
          specified by the psABI, GCC defines internal visibility to
          mean that the function is _never_ called from another module.
          Note that hidden symbols, while they cannot be referenced
          directly by other modules, can be referenced indirectly via
          function pointers.  By indicating that a symbol cannot be
          called from outside the module, GCC may for instance omit the
          load of a PIC register since it is known that the calling
          function loaded the correct value.

     Not all ELF targets support this attribute.

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `warn_unused_result' attribute causes a warning to be emitted
     if a caller of the function with this attribute does not use its
     return value.  This is useful for functions where not checking the
     result is either a security problem or always a bug, such as

          int fn () __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
          int foo ()
            if (fn () < 0) return -1;
            fn ();
            return 0;

     results in warning on line 5.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     The `weak' attribute causes the declaration to be emitted as a weak
     symbol rather than a global.  This is primarily useful in defining
     library functions which can be overridden in user code, though it
     can also be used with non-function declarations.  Weak symbols are
     supported for ELF targets, and also for a.out targets when using
     the GNU assembler and linker.

'c extensions' 'type attributes'

aligned -- deprecated -- gcc_struct -- may_alias -- ms_struct -- packed -- transparent_union -- unused
aligned (ALIGNMENT)
Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     This attribute specifies a minimum alignment (in bytes) for
     variables of the specified type.  For example, the declarations:

          struct S { short f[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
          typedef int more_aligned_int __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));

     force the compiler to insure (as far as it can) that each variable
     whose type is `struct S' or `more_aligned_int' will be allocated
     and aligned _at least_ on a 8-byte boundary.  On a SPARC, having
     all variables of type `struct S' aligned to 8-byte boundaries
     allows the compiler to use the `ldd' and `std' (doubleword load and
     store) instructions when copying one variable of type `struct S' to
     another, thus improving run-time efficiency.

     Note that the alignment of any given `struct' or `union' type is
     required by the ISO C standard to be at least a perfect multiple of
     the lowest common multiple of the alignments of all of the members
     of the `struct' or `union' in question.  This means that you _can_
     effectively adjust the alignment of a `struct' or `union' type by
     attaching an `aligned' attribute to any one of the members of such
     a type, but the notation illustrated in the example above is a
     more obvious, intuitive, and readable way to request the compiler
     to adjust the alignment of an entire `struct' or `union' type.

     As in the preceding example, you can explicitly specify the
     alignment (in bytes) that you wish the compiler to use for a given
     `struct' or `union' type.  Alternatively, you can leave out the
     alignment factor and just ask the compiler to align a type to the
     maximum useful alignment for the target machine you are compiling
     for.  For example, you could write:

          struct S { short f[3]; } __attribute__ ((aligned));

     Whenever you leave out the alignment factor in an `aligned'
     attribute specification, the compiler automatically sets the
     alignment for the type to the largest alignment which is ever used
     for any data type on the target machine you are compiling for.
     Doing this can often make copy operations more efficient, because
     the compiler can use whatever instructions copy the biggest chunks
     of memory when performing copies to or from the variables which
     have types that you have aligned this way.

     In the example above, if the size of each `short' is 2 bytes, then
     the size of the entire `struct S' type is 6 bytes.  The smallest
     power of two which is greater than or equal to that is 8, so the
     compiler sets the alignment for the entire `struct S' type to 8

     Note that although you can ask the compiler to select a
     time-efficient alignment for a given type and then declare only
     individual stand-alone objects of that type, the compiler's
     ability to select a time-efficient alignment is primarily useful
     only when you plan to create arrays of variables having the
     relevant (efficiently aligned) type.  If you declare or use arrays
     of variables of an efficiently-aligned type, then it is likely
     that your program will also be doing pointer arithmetic (or
     subscripting, which amounts to the same thing) on pointers to the
     relevant type, and the code that the compiler generates for these
     pointer arithmetic operations will often be more efficient for
     efficiently-aligned types than for other types.

     The `aligned' attribute can only increase the alignment; but you
     can decrease it by specifying `packed' as well.  See below.

     Note that the effectiveness of `aligned' attributes may be limited
     by inherent limitations in your linker.  On many systems, the
     linker is only able to arrange for variables to be aligned up to a
     certain maximum alignment.  (For some linkers, the maximum
     supported alignment may be very very small.)  If your linker is
     only able to align variables up to a maximum of 8 byte alignment,
     then specifying `aligned(16)' in an `__attribute__' will still
     only provide you with 8 byte alignment.  See your linker
     documentation for further information.

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     The `deprecated' attribute results in a warning if the type is
     used anywhere in the source file.  This is useful when identifying
     types that are expected to be removed in a future version of a
     program.  If possible, the warning also includes the location of
     the declaration of the deprecated type, to enable users to easily
     find further information about why the type is deprecated, or what
     they should do instead.  Note that the warnings only occur for
     uses and then only if the type is being applied to an identifier
     that itself is not being declared as deprecated.

          typedef int T1 __attribute__ ((deprecated));
          T1 x;
          typedef T1 T2;
          T2 y;
          typedef T1 T3 __attribute__ ((deprecated));
          T3 z __attribute__ ((deprecated));

     results in a warning on line 2 and 3 but not lines 4, 5, or 6.  No
     warning is issued for line 4 because T2 is not explicitly
     deprecated.  Line 5 has no warning because T3 is explicitly
     deprecated.  Similarly for line 6.

     The `deprecated' attribute can also be used for functions and
     variables (*note Function Attributes::, *note Variable

Found in versions: 3.4
     If `packed' is used on a structure, or if bit-fields are used it
     may be that the Microsoft ABI packs them differently than GCC
     would normally pack them.  Particularly when moving packed data
     between functions compiled with GCC and the native Microsoft
     compiler (either via function call or as data in a file), it may
     be necessary to access either format.

     Currently `-m[no-]ms-bitfields' is provided for the Microsoft
     Windows X86 compilers to match the native Microsoft compiler.

   To specify multiple attributes, separate them by commas within the
Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     Accesses to objects with types with this attribute are not
     subjected to type-based alias analysis, but are instead assumed to
     be able to alias any other type of objects, just like the `char'
     type.  See `-fstrict-aliasing' for more information on aliasing

     Example of use:

          typedef short __attribute__((__may_alias__)) short_a;
          main (void)
            int a = 0x12345678;
            short_a *b = (short_a *) &a;
            b[1] = 0;
            if (a == 0x12345678)

     If you replaced `short_a' with `short' in the variable
     declaration, the above program would abort when compiled with
     `-fstrict-aliasing', which is on by default at `-O2' or above in
     recent GCC versions.

Found in versions: 3.4

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     This attribute, attached to `struct' or `union' type definition,
     specifies that each member of the structure or union is placed to
     minimize the memory required. When attached to an `enum'
     definition, it indicates that the smallest integral type should be

     Specifying this attribute for `struct' and `union' types is
     equivalent to specifying the `packed' attribute on each of the
     structure or union members.  Specifying the `-fshort-enums' flag
     on the line is equivalent to specifying the `packed' attribute on
     all `enum' definitions.

     In the following example `struct my_packed_struct''s members are
     packed closely together, but the internal layout of its `s' member
     is not packed - to do that, `struct my_unpacked_struct' would need
     to be packed too.

          struct my_unpacked_struct
              char c;
              int i;
          struct my_packed_struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))
               char c;
               int  i;
               struct my_unpacked_struct s;

     You may only specify this attribute on the definition of a `enum',
     `struct' or `union', not on a `typedef' which does not also define
     the enumerated type, structure or union.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     This attribute, attached to a `union' type definition, indicates
     that any function parameter having that union type causes calls to
     that function to be treated in a special way.

     First, the argument corresponding to a transparent union type can
     be of any type in the union; no cast is required.  Also, if the
     union contains a pointer type, the corresponding argument can be a
     null pointer constant or a void pointer expression; and if the
     union contains a void pointer type, the corresponding argument can
     be any pointer expression.  If the union member type is a pointer,
     qualifiers like `const' on the referenced type must be respected,
     just as with normal pointer conversions.

     Second, the argument is passed to the function using the calling
     conventions of the first member of the transparent union, not the
     calling conventions of the union itself.  All members of the union
     must have the same machine representation; this is necessary for
     this argument passing to work properly.

     Transparent unions are designed for library functions that have
     multiple interfaces for compatibility reasons.  For example,
     suppose the `wait' function must accept either a value of type
     `int *' to comply with Posix, or a value of type `union wait *' to
     comply with the 4.1BSD interface.  If `wait''s parameter were
     `void *', `wait' would accept both kinds of arguments, but it
     would also accept any other pointer type and this would make
     argument type checking less useful.  Instead, `' might
     define the interface as follows:

          typedef union
              int *__ip;
              union wait *__up;
            } wait_status_ptr_t __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
          pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t);

     This interface allows either `int *' or `union wait *' arguments
     to be passed, using the `int *' calling convention.  The program
     can call `wait' with arguments of either type:

          int w1 () { int w; return wait (&w); }
          int w2 () { union wait w; return wait (&w); }

     With this interface, `wait''s implementation might look like this:

          pid_t wait (wait_status_ptr_t p)
            return waitpid (-1, p.__ip, 0);

Found in versions: 2.8 e1.1-3.4
     When attached to a type (including a `union' or a `struct'), this
     attribute means that variables of that type are meant to appear
     possibly unused.  GCC will not produce a warning for any variables
     of that type, even if the variable appears to do nothing.  This is
     often the case with lock or thread classes, which are usually
     defined and then not referenced, but contain constructors and
     destructors that have nontrivial bookkeeping functions.

'c extensions' 'variable attributes'

aligned -- cleanup -- common -- deprecated -- dllexport -- dllimport -- gcc_struct -- mode -- model -- ms_struct -- nocommon -- packed -- section -- shared -- tls_model -- transparent_union -- unused -- vector_size -- weak
aligned (ALIGNMENT)
Found in versions: 2.3-3.4
     This attribute specifies a minimum alignment for the variable or
     structure field, measured in bytes.  For example, the declaration:

          int x __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) = 0;

     causes the compiler to allocate the global variable `x' on a
     16-byte boundary.  On a 68040, this could be used in conjunction
     with an `asm' expression to access the `move16' instruction which
     requires 16-byte aligned operands.

     You can also specify the alignment of structure fields.  For
     example, to create a double-word aligned `int' pair, you could

          struct foo { int x[2] __attribute__ ((aligned (8))); };

     This is an alternative to creating a union with a `double' member
     that forces the union to be double-word aligned.

     As in the preceding examples, you can explicitly specify the
     alignment (in bytes) that you wish the compiler to use for a given
     variable or structure field.  Alternatively, you can leave out the
     alignment factor and just ask the compiler to align a variable or
     field to the maximum useful alignment for the target machine you
     are compiling for.  For example, you could write:

          short array[3] __attribute__ ((aligned));

     Whenever you leave out the alignment factor in an `aligned'
     attribute specification, the compiler automatically sets the
     alignment for the declared variable or field to the largest
     alignment which is ever used for any data type on the target
     machine you are compiling for.  Doing this can often make copy
     operations more efficient, because the compiler can use whatever
     instructions copy the biggest chunks of memory when performing
     copies to or from the variables or fields that you have aligned
     this way.

     The `aligned' attribute can only increase the alignment; but you
     can decrease it by specifying `packed' as well.  See below.

     Note that the effectiveness of `aligned' attributes may be limited
     by inherent limitations in your linker.  On many systems, the
     linker is only able to arrange for variables to be aligned up to a
     certain maximum alignment.  (For some linkers, the maximum
     supported alignment may be very very small.)  If your linker is
     only able to align variables up to a maximum of 8 byte alignment,
     then specifying `aligned(16)' in an `__attribute__' will still
     only provide you with 8 byte alignment.  See your linker
     documentation for further information.

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `cleanup' attribute runs a function when the variable goes out
     of scope.  This attribute can only be applied to auto function
     scope variables; it may not be applied to parameters or variables
     with static storage duration.  The function must take one
     parameter, a pointer to a type compatible with the variable.  The
     return value of the function (if any) is ignored.

     If `-fexceptions' is enabled, then CLEANUP_FUNCTION will be run
     during the stack unwinding that happens during the processing of
     the exception.  Note that the `cleanup' attribute does not allow
     the exception to be caught, only to perform an action.  It is
     undefined what happens if CLEANUP_FUNCTION does not return

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4

Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     The `deprecated' attribute results in a warning if the variable is
     used anywhere in the source file.  This is useful when identifying
     variables that are expected to be removed in a future version of a
     program.  The warning also includes the location of the declaration
     of the deprecated variable, to enable users to easily find further
     information about why the variable is deprecated, or what they
     should do instead.  Note that the warning only occurs for uses:

          extern int old_var __attribute__ ((deprecated));
          extern int old_var;
          int new_fn () { return old_var; }

     results in a warning on line 3 but not line 2.

     The `deprecated' attribute can also be used for functions and
     types (*note Function Attributes::, *note Type Attributes::.)

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `dllexport' attribute is described in *Note Function

Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `dllimport' attribute is described in *Note Function

Found in versions: 3.4
     If `packed' is used on a structure, or if bit-fields are used it
     may be that the Microsoft ABI packs them differently than GCC
     would normally pack them.  Particularly when moving packed data
     between functions compiled with GCC and the native Microsoft
     compiler (either via function call or as data in a file), it may
     be necessary to access either format.

     Currently `-m[no-]ms-bitfields' is provided for the Microsoft
     Windows X86 compilers to match the native Microsoft compiler.

mode (MODE)
Found in versions: 2.3-3.4
     This attribute specifies the data type for the
     declaration--whichever type corresponds to the mode MODE.  This in
     effect lets you request an integer or floating point type
     according to its width.

     You may also specify a mode of `byte' or `__byte__' to indicate
     the mode corresponding to a one-byte integer, `word' or `__word__'
     for the mode of a one-word integer, and `pointer' or `__pointer__'
     for the mode used to represent pointers.

model (MODEL-NAME)
Found in versions: 2.8-3.4
     Use this attribute on the M32R/D to set the addressability of an
     object.  The identifier MODEL-NAME is one of `small', `medium', or
     `large', representing each of the code models.

     Small model objects live in the lower 16MB of memory (so that their
     addresses can be loaded with the `ld24' instruction).

     Medium and large model objects may live anywhere in the 32-bit
     address space (the compiler will generate `seth/add3' instructions
     to load their addresses).

Found in versions: 3.4

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     The `common' attribute requests GCC to place a variable in
     "common" storage.  The `nocommon' attribute requests the opposite
     - to allocate space for it directly.

     These attributes override the default chosen by the `-fno-common'
     and `-fcommon' flags respectively.

Found in versions: 2.3-3.4
     The `packed' attribute specifies that a variable or structure field
     should have the smallest possible alignment--one byte for a
     variable, and one bit for a field, unless you specify a larger
     value with the `aligned' attribute.

     Here is a structure in which the field `x' is packed, so that it
     immediately follows `a':

          struct foo
            char a;
            int x[2] __attribute__ ((packed));

section ("SECTION-NAME")
Found in versions: 2.6-3.4
     Normally, the compiler places the objects it generates in sections
     like `data' and `bss'.  Sometimes, however, you need additional
     sections, or you need certain particular variables to appear in
     special sections, for example to map to special hardware.  The
     `section' attribute specifies that a variable (or function) lives
     in a particular section.  For example, this small program uses
     several specific section names:

          struct duart a __attribute__ ((section ("DUART_A"))) = { 0 };
          struct duart b __attribute__ ((section ("DUART_B"))) = { 0 };
          char stack[10000] __attribute__ ((section ("STACK"))) = { 0 };
          int init_data __attribute__ ((section ("INITDATA"))) = 0;
            /* Initialize stack pointer */
            init_sp (stack + sizeof (stack));
            /* Initialize initialized data */
            memcpy (&init_data, &data, &edata - &data);
            /* Turn on the serial ports */
            init_duart (&a);
            init_duart (&b);

     Use the `section' attribute with an _initialized_ definition of a
     _global_ variable, as shown in the example.  GCC issues a warning
     and otherwise ignores the `section' attribute in uninitialized
     variable declarations.

     You may only use the `section' attribute with a fully initialized
     global definition because of the way linkers work.  The linker
     requires each object be defined once, with the exception that
     uninitialized variables tentatively go in the `common' (or `bss')
     section and can be multiply "defined".  You can force a variable
     to be initialized with the `-fno-common' flag or the `nocommon'

     Some file formats do not support arbitrary sections so the
     `section' attribute is not available on all platforms.  If you
     need to map the entire contents of a module to a particular
     section, consider using the facilities of the linker instead.

Found in versions: 3.0-3.4
     On Microsoft Windows, in addition to putting variable definitions
     in a named section, the section can also be shared among all
     running copies of an executable or DLL.  For example, this small
     program defines shared data by putting it in a named section
     `shared' and marking the section shareable:

          int foo __attribute__((section ("shared"), shared)) = 0;
            /* Read and write foo.  All running
               copies see the same value.  */
            return 0;

     You may only use the `shared' attribute along with `section'
     attribute with a fully initialized global definition because of
     the way linkers work.  See `section' attribute for more

     The `shared' attribute is only available on Microsoft Windows.

tls_model ("TLS_MODEL")
Found in versions: 3.3 3.4
     The `tls_model' attribute sets thread-local storage model (*note
     Thread-Local::) of a particular `__thread' variable, overriding
     `-ftls-model=' command line switch on a per-variable basis.  The
     TLS_MODEL argument should be one of `global-dynamic',
     `local-dynamic', `initial-exec' or `local-exec'.

     Not all targets support this attribute.

Found in versions: 2.6-3.4
     This attribute, attached to a function parameter which is a union,
     means that the corresponding argument may have the type of any
     union member, but the argument is passed as if its type were that
     of the first union member.  For more details see *Note Type
     Attributes::.  You can also use this attribute on a `typedef' for
     a union data type; then it applies to all function parameters with
     that type.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     This attribute, attached to a variable, means that the variable is
     meant to be possibly unused.  GCC will not produce a warning for
     this variable.

vector_size (BYTES)
Found in versions: 3.1-3.4
     This attribute specifies the vector size for the variable,
     measured in bytes.  For example, the declaration:

          int foo __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));

     causes the compiler to set the mode for `foo', to be 16 bytes,
     divided into `int' sized units.  Assuming a 32-bit int (a vector of
     4 units of 4 bytes), the corresponding mode of `foo' will be V4SI.

     This attribute is only applicable to integral and float scalars,
     although arrays, pointers, and function return values are allowed
     in conjunction with this construct.

     Aggregates with this attribute are invalid, even if they are of
     the same size as a corresponding scalar.  For example, the

          struct S { int a; };
          struct S  __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))) foo;

     is invalid even if the size of the structure is the same as the
     size of the `int'.

Found in versions: 2.7-3.4
     The `weak' attribute is described in *Note Function Attributes::.